Kitchen Ambush S2:E11 Rebecka Evans

Kitchen Ambush

Rebecka Evans - Season 2 Episode 11

Kitchen Ambush S2:E11 meets Rebecka Evans.
Mark Conway and Vanessa Lane ambushed Rebecka Evans at Shula's, inside the Norfolk Waterside Marriott. Rebecka flew out from Texas for this very special Ambush. As she is the 2017 World Food Championships Bacon Champion, Chef Mark and Vanessa surprised her with several secret ingredients including (ground beef from Pungo-Tuck Beef, Swiss cheese from New Earth Farm, rosemary salt from The Jelly Queens, and Shula's Steak Sauce). Rebecka even used her sponsors in the shoot and had to quickly devise a plan to incorporate all the ingredients into a fantastic dish (Saucy Mama, Kountry Boys Bacon, and The Oyster Bed). What happened? Who prevailed....Chef or ingredient? Watch the full Kitchen Ambush episode to find out!

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